Подводное Таро (The Undersea Tarot)

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550.00 грн
«Подводное Таро»
Оригинальное название: The Undersea Tarot
Автор: Frank Fradella
Художник: Jeziel Sanchez Martinez
Комплектация: 78 карт + руководство
Размер карт: 70х120 мм.
Масса: 220 г
Карты на английском языке, изготовлены из карточного спецкартона двухстороннего мелования с графитовым слоем, лаковое покрытие.
Инструкция на английском языке содержит расклад и краткую интерпретацию каждой карты.
Производитель: «U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC», USA, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-1-57281-602-2

Оплата и доставка:

Visa/MasterCard, Приват24, MonoBank, Наличными при получении



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  • «Подводное Таро»
    Оригинальное название: The Undersea Tarot
    Автор: Frank Fradella
    Художник: Jeziel Sanchez Martinez
    Комплектация: 78 карт + руководство
    Размер карт: 70х120 мм.
    Масса: 220 г
    Карты на английском языке, изготовлены из карточного спецкартона двухстороннего мелования с графитовым слоем, лаковое покрытие.
    Инструкция на английском языке содержит расклад и краткую интерпретацию каждой карты.
    Производитель: «U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC», USA, 2008 г.
    ISBN 978-1-57281-602-2

    The Undersea Tarot was created by Frank Fradella, with art by Jeziel Sánchez Martínez, and colors by Rick Hiltbrunner.
    With the seas and oceans covering nearly three-quarters of our planet, there’s little surprise that mankind has always had a deep and abiding fascination with what goes on below the waves. In our earliest recorded histories, the sea and her denizens have held an almost mythic awe. It’s no wonder that ancient maps and early navigational charts indicated sea serpents beyond the edge—proclaiming, “Here be monsters!”
    The animal species inhabiting our oceans are fantastic enough on their own, without having to fictionalize them. Not since dinosaurs walked the earth has land possessed creatures of such enormity as whales and giant squids. We don’t need fairy tales to tell us about the prehistoric-looking deep-sea dweller with the light that dangles from his forehead. (See The Hermit card for this wee beastie!)

    And yet with all that exists in reality, there has always been a love affair with mermaids, mythological beasts of the sea, leviathans, and sunken cities. Amongst these creatures and their legendary worlds is where we find the true home of The Undersea Tarot.
    As with all traditional tarot decks, you’ll find 78 cards here, broken up into two sections—the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.
    The Major Arcana contains 22 cards, numbered 0 (The Fool) through 21 (The World.) Even with a setting so removed from our everyday lives, the imagery in the tarot shows us a mirror of ourselves; our hopes, dreams, and fears. The Major Arcana represents the journey we all must take. It’s the story of us all.
    The Minor Arcana (the precursor to our current playing card decks) consists of 56 cards, numbered Ace through 10, and followed by four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The Undersea Tarot takes a slight deviation here, in that the original suits for the Minor Arcana were Swords, Cups, Wands, and Pentacles. In this unique setting, it has been changed to Swords, Shells, Tridents, and Starfish.

    In this booklet you’ll find a good shorthand to direct beginning readers in their exploration of the secrets that the tarot holds. At the end, you’ll find a helpful suggestion or two in plumbing the tarot’s hidden depths!

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